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Benefactive expression

N2・4 / 5 Page
  • The two men sat down separately.
  • 1 はなれて→はなれる (离れる): to space out, to stay away from
  • 2 わかれて → わかれる (分かれる) : to part, to break up, to diverge
  • 3 Kakurete → Kakureる (隠れる): to hide, to hide away
  • 4はずれて→はずれる(外れる): to fall off, to drop off
  • This is a photo of Green Lake. This lake reflects different views on its surface in different seasons, which was a treat for our eyes.
  • てくれます: someone (offers) to help (me) do something
  • てもらいます: I asked someone to do something for me
  • 楽しませてくれます:"楽しませる" is the imperative form of楽しむ, which means to let ...... enjoy.
  • The word "てくれる" that follows is a way for the one who receives a favor to express his or her gratitude. I.e. (to give us a favor) for the enjoyment of our eyes
  • 楽しませてもらいます:表示(让别人帮忙给我们恩惠) 让我们得到享受
  • In times of worry, sometimes confiding in someone else can lighten the mood.
  • 1 聞いてあげることは:Indicates that I heard it from someone else.
  • 2 聞いてもらうことで:Indicates by letting others hear me. The word "で" indicates a method.
  • 3 聞いてくれることに:表示针对别人聽我说这件事。
  • 4 聞いてやることが:Indicates that I went to listen to someone else. Note that the person to whom the action is directed here is someone younger or of lower status than yourself.
  • At that time, my friend's words gave me great encouragement and gave me the idea of trying again when I was about to give up on my dream. According to the meaning of the sentence applying the imperative tense, exclude A, B, てくれた: someone else to do something for me, てほしい: what I wish for others. Exclude D
  • I started working part-time at the cafeteria last month. Every time a customer says it's good, I'm happy and I want to work harder.
  • 1 言ってあげるたびに:"てあげる" means to do something yourself for someone else, and "たびに" means every time.
  • 2 言ってあげるように:"ように "表目的。
  • 3 言ってくれるたびに:"てくれる" means that someone else does something for oneself.
  • 4 言ってくれるように:同选项2。