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Benefactive expression

N3・2 / 4 Page
  • It seems to have escaped.
  • Escape (逃げて): to flee
  • なげて(なげる): to throw, to pitch
  • Kogetsu (こげて(焦げる): roasted, charred
  • あげて(挙): to lift, to hold up
  • Translation: this game was fun when I first started playing it, but I've played it so many times that I've gotten tired of it.
  • あきて→あきる(飽きる): to be tired of, to be bored with
  • 1もらって→もらう(貰う): to obtain
  • 2あきらめて→あきらめる(諦める): to give up, to break one's mind
  • 3こわがって→こわがる (怖がる): to be afraid, to be terrifying