- ばんづけ4 0
- List of names; programNoun
- ばんて0
- A warrior who defends the city; (unit of thickness of yarn) branchNoun
- テッドはその野球チームの2番手選手だ。
Ted is the second pitcher on the baseball team.
- テッドはその野球チームの2番手選手だ。
Ted is the second pitcher on the baseball team.
- ばんとう0
- treasurerNoun
- ばんにん3
- watchman, caretakerNoun
- 中央銀行に物価の番人だけさせておくのはもったいない。
It's a waste to just have the central banks watching over commodity prices.
- 中央銀行に物価の番人だけさせておくのはもったいない。
It's a waste to just have the central banks watching over commodity prices.
- でばん0 2
- To be on duty; to appear (to do something)Noun
- いよいよ私の出番だ
Finally, it's my turn.
- いよいよ私の出番だ
Finally, it's my turn.
- ていばん0
- Perennial best sellersNoun
- 何か出そうな定番の場所ですからね。自動演奏するグランドピアノや独りでに動き出す人体模型や。
That's because they're the classic places for 'something' to appear. Like the grand piano that plays by itself, the human anatomical model that moves by itself ...
- 何か出そうな定番の場所ですからね。自動演奏するグランドピアノや独りでに動き出す人体模型や。
That's because they're the classic places for 'something' to appear. Like the grand piano that plays by itself, the human anatomical model that moves by itself ...
- ほんばん0
- Official start of shooting; official broadcastingNoun
- 咳止めシロップ。本番前に一口飲まないと落ち着かない!
Cough syrup. If I don't drink a mouthful before going on stage I can't settle down!
- 咳止めシロップ。本番前に一口飲まないと落ち着かない!
Cough syrup. If I don't drink a mouthful before going on stage I can't settle down!
- おそばん0
- night shiftNoun
早番 early shift
早番 early shift
- いちばんのり3
- first to arriveIntransitive Noun
- 会場に一番乗りした
First to arrive at the venue
- 君が一番乗りのようだ。
It seems as if you are the first one here.
- 我々が一番のりだった。
We are the first to arrive.
- 会場に一番乗りした
First to arrive at the venue
- 君が一番乗りのようだ。
It seems as if you are the first one here.
- 我々が一番のりだった。
We are the first to arrive.