- いまいち2
- Almost. Try harder.Adverb
- 今一調子が出ない
not in good condition
- いまいち東芝は信用できない。
I can't really trust Toshiba.
- いい人だけどイマイチね。
He is nice, but he's not the one for me.
- あの人のルックスはいまいちね。
He is not much to look at, I guess.
- 実験の結果は今ひとつぱっとしなかった。
Our experimental results left something to be desired.
- このドラマは単純な勧善懲悪もので、今一つ深みに欠けて物足りない。
This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.
- 今一調子が出ない
not in good condition
- いまいち東芝は信用できない。
I can't really trust Toshiba.
- いい人だけどイマイチね。
He is nice, but he's not the one for me.
- あの人のルックスはいまいちね。
He is not much to look at, I guess.
- 実験の結果は今ひとつぱっとしなかった。
Our experimental results left something to be desired.
- このドラマは単純な勧善懲悪もので、今一つ深みに欠けて物足りない。
This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.
- いまさら0 1
- things having reached this stageAdverb
- 今更悔(く)やんでもしかたない
It's no use regretting what happened.
- 今更後悔しても無駄だ。
It's no use regretting it now.
- 今更悔やんでも後の祭りだ。
It is too late to repent.
- いまさら焦っても焼け石に水じゃないの。
No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.
- いまさら嘆いても、それこそ、後の祭だよ。
You can regret it all you want, but it won't do you any good now.
- 今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。後の祭りだよ。
Yelling about it won't help now. You should have done that when it counted.
- 今更悔(く)やんでもしかたない
It's no use regretting what happened.
- 今更後悔しても無駄だ。
It's no use regretting it now.
- 今更悔やんでも後の祭りだ。
It is too late to repent.
- いまさら焦っても焼け石に水じゃないの。
No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.
- いまさら嘆いても、それこそ、後の祭だよ。
You can regret it all you want, but it won't do you any good now.
- 今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。後の祭りだよ。
Yelling about it won't help now. You should have done that when it counted.
- いまに1
- Soon, very soon.Adverb
- 今にみてろ
We'll see.
- いまに誰も相手にしてくれなくなるよ。
Soon nobody will have anything to do with you.
- 今にわかる。
You'll see.
- 今に後悔するぞ。
You will yet regret it.
- 今にバチがあたるぞ。
You'll get it someday.
- 彼は今にも泣きだしそうだ。
He's beginning to cry.
- 今にみてろ
We'll see.
- いまに誰も相手にしてくれなくなるよ。
Soon nobody will have anything to do with you.
- 今にわかる。
You'll see.
- 今に後悔するぞ。
You will yet regret it.
- 今にバチがあたるぞ。
You'll get it someday.
- 彼は今にも泣きだしそうだ。
He's beginning to cry.
- いまや1
- Today, today'sAdverb
- 今や小学生もスマホを持つ時代だ
These are the days when even elementary school kids have smartphones
- トムはいまや以前にもまして勤勉に働いている。
Tom works more diligently now.
- 患者は今や危機を脱した。
The patient is out of danger now.
- 長髪は今や流行遅れだ。
Long hair is out of fashion now.
- 今や有名店ですね。
The store is making a mark.
- 今や留学は大流行だ。
Studying abroad is very common now.
- 今や小学生もスマホを持つ時代だ
These are the days when even elementary school kids have smartphones
- トムはいまや以前にもまして勤勉に働いている。
Tom works more diligently now.
- 患者は今や危機を脱した。
The patient is out of danger now.
- 長髪は今や流行遅れだ。
Long hair is out of fashion now.
- 今や有名店ですね。
The store is making a mark.
- 今や留学は大流行だ。
Studying abroad is very common now.
- こんしゅん0
- This spring. This spring.Noun
- いまさらめく5
- unnecessaryIntransitive
- 今更後悔しても無駄だ。
It's no use regretting it now.
- 今更悔やんでも後の祭りだ。
It is too late to repent.
- いまさら焦っても焼け石に水じゃないの。
No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.
- いまさら嘆いても、それこそ、後の祭だよ。
You can regret it all you want, but it won't do you any good now.
- 今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。後の祭りだよ。
Yelling about it won't help now. You should have done that when it counted.
- 今更後悔しても無駄だ。
It's no use regretting it now.
- 今更悔やんでも後の祭りだ。
It is too late to repent.
- いまさら焦っても焼け石に水じゃないの。
No matter how much you hurry your effort is just a drop in the bucket.
- いまさら嘆いても、それこそ、後の祭だよ。
You can regret it all you want, but it won't do you any good now.
- 今さら騒いでもどうにもならないよ。後の祭りだよ。
Yelling about it won't help now. You should have done that when it counted.
- さっこん1
- Lately, recentlyNoun
- 昨今の世界情勢
Recent international developments
- 昨今は災害が頻ぴんとあった。
Recently we have had several disasters.
- 昨今、物価は非常に高い。
Nowadays prices of commodities are very high.
- 昨今、個人的自由は少なくなっている。
Personal liberty is diminishing nowadays.
- このメルマガは、昨今の語学産業界の甘言に躍らされることなく、文法解釈という古典的学習法こそ王道と信じて疑わない方のためのメルマガです。
This e-zine is for those who, unswayed by the cajolery of the modern language industry, firmly trust that the traditional learning method of grammatical analysis is the way to go.
- 昨今の世界情勢
Recent international developments
- 昨今は災害が頻ぴんとあった。
Recently we have had several disasters.
- 昨今、物価は非常に高い。
Nowadays prices of commodities are very high.
- 昨今、個人的自由は少なくなっている。
Personal liberty is diminishing nowadays.
- このメルマガは、昨今の語学産業界の甘言に躍らされることなく、文法解釈という古典的学習法こそ王道と信じて疑わない方のためのメルマガです。
This e-zine is for those who, unswayed by the cajolery of the modern language industry, firmly trust that the traditional learning method of grammatical analysis is the way to go.