- しゃせつ0
- Editorials, editorialsNoun
- 朝日新聞の社説
Editorial in Asahi Shimbun
- 今朝の新聞の社説を読みましたか。
Have you read the leading article in today's paper?
- 今日の社説でそれを読んだ。
I read it in today's edition.
- 朝日新聞の社説
Editorial in Asahi Shimbun
- 今朝の新聞の社説を読みましたか。
Have you read the leading article in today's paper?
- 今日の社説でそれを読んだ。
I read it in today's edition.
- たしゃ1
- Other companiesNoun
- この条件を受けていただけると、他社との競合が有利になります。
This would enable us to compete more effectively with other agencies.
- 他社に後れをとるな。
Don't fall behind other companies!
- 同業他社に比べて業績がずっと良かった。
Business results of the company were much better than other companies in the industry.
- 私どもは完全に他社を引き離していますよ。
We have completely outstripped the other companies.
- ある航空会社が運賃値下げ計画を発表すると、他社もすぐに追従した。
As soon as one airline announced its plan for airfare reductions, the rest of the companies followed suit.
- この条件を受けていただけると、他社との競合が有利になります。
This would enable us to compete more effectively with other agencies.
- 他社に後れをとるな。
Don't fall behind other companies!
- 同業他社に比べて業績がずっと良かった。
Business results of the company were much better than other companies in the industry.
- 私どもは完全に他社を引き離していますよ。
We have completely outstripped the other companies.
- ある航空会社が運賃値下げ計画を発表すると、他社もすぐに追従した。
As soon as one airline announced its plan for airfare reductions, the rest of the companies followed suit.
- にゅうしゃ0
- Entered the company and took up employmentIntransitive Noun
- 入社試験
entry examination
退社 Dismissal from work; separation from service
- 彼は高校卒業直後に入社した。
He joined the company right after he got through high school.
- 私自身も、当社に入社する前の会社では、2度ほどトップに直言した経験があります。
I myself have, before becoming employed by this company, twice spoken bluntly to the people at the top.
- あの男鳴り物入りで入社したけど、実力のほど看板に偽りなしだったね。
He came on board this company with a lot of fanfare and he turns out to have the skill and talent to live up to it.
- 入社試験
entry examination
退社 Dismissal from work; separation from service
- 彼は高校卒業直後に入社した。
He joined the company right after he got through high school.
- 私自身も、当社に入社する前の会社では、2度ほどトップに直言した経験があります。
I myself have, before becoming employed by this company, twice spoken bluntly to the people at the top.
- あの男鳴り物入りで入社したけど、実力のほど看板に偽りなしだったね。
He came on board this company with a lot of fanfare and he turns out to have the skill and talent to live up to it.
- とうしゃ1
- CompanyNoun
- 当社には貴社のシステムに対するニーズがありません。
Your system isn't suited to our company's needs.
- 当社の本社は大阪にあります。
Our main office is in Osaka.
- 当社への地図を添付します。
Attached is a map to our office.
- 当社は1930年に創立されました。
This company was established in 1930.
- 技術者の不足が当社の発展の最大のネックだ。
The shortage of engineers is the greatest bottleneck to the development of our company.
- 当社には貴社のシステムに対するニーズがありません。
Your system isn't suited to our company's needs.
- 当社の本社は大阪にあります。
Our main office is in Osaka.
- 当社への地図を添付します。
Attached is a map to our office.
- 当社は1930年に創立されました。
This company was established in 1930.
- 技術者の不足が当社の発展の最大のネックだ。
The shortage of engineers is the greatest bottleneck to the development of our company.
- ことぶきたいしゃ5
- Separation of female staff due to marriageIntransitive Noun