N3 Verb
# | Verb | Romaji | Meaning |
101 | 脅かす | kyoukasu | to threaten, to menace, to intimidate |
102 | 踊る | odoru | to dance (orig. a hopping dance) |
103 | 驚く | odoroku | to be surprised, to be astonished |
104 | 同じ | onaji | same, identical, equal, uniform, equivalent, similar, common (origin), changeless, alike |
105 | 溺れる | oboreru | to struggle in the water, to sink below the surface and become unable to breathe, to (nearly) drown |
106 | お目にかかる | omenikakaru | to meet (someone of higher status) |
107 | 思う | omou | to think, to consider, to believe, to reckon |
108 | 折れる | oreru | to break, to be broken, to snap, to fracture |
109 | 下ろす | kudarosu | to take down, to bring down, to lower (a hand, flag, shutter, etc.), to drop (an anchor, curtain, etc.), to let down (hair), to launch (a boat) |
110 | カーブ | kaabu | curve, turn, bend |
111 | 開会 | kaikai | opening of a meeting |
112 | 会議 | kaigi | meeting, conference, session, assembly, council, convention, congress |
113 | 会計 | kaikei | accounting, finance, account, reckoning |
114 | 解決 | kaiketsu | settlement, solution, resolution |
115 | 会合 | kaigou | meeting, assembly, gathering |
116 | 解散 | kaisan | breaking up (a meeting, gathering, etc.), dispersal (e.g. of a crowd) |
117 | 開始 | kaishi | start, commencement, beginning, initiation |
118 | 解釈 | kaishaku | interpretation, explanation, reading, construction |
119 | 改正 | kaisei | revision, amendment, alteration |
120 | 解説 | kaisetsu | explanation, commentary, exposition, elucidation |
121 | かいぜん | kaizen | betterment, improvement |
122 | 改造 | kaizou | remodeling, remodelling, reconstruction, conversion, alteration, renovation, modification, reshuffling (e.g. a cabinet), reorganization, restructuring |
123 | 会談 | kaidan | talks (i.e. formal discussions), conference, meeting |
124 | 回転 | kaiten | rotation, revolution, turn, spin |
125 | 回答 | kaitou | reply, answer |
126 | 回復 | kaifuku | restoration, rehabilitation, recovery, return, replevin, improvement |
127 | 解放 | kaihou | release, unleashing, liberation, emancipation, setting free |
128 | 開放 | kaihou | opening (a door, window, etc.), leaving open |
129 | 買い物 | kaimono | shopping, purchased goods |
130 | 会話 | kaiwa | conversation, talk, chat |
131 | 返る | kaeru | to return, to come back, to go back |
132 | 抱える | kakaeru | to hold in one's arms, to carry in one's arms, to carry under one's arm, to hold (one's head) in one's hands |
133 | 輝く | kagayaku | to shine, to sparkle, to twinkle, to glitter, to glisten |
134 | かかる | kakaru | to contract (a disease), to suffer from |
135 | 関わる | kakawaru | to be affected, to be influenced |
136 | 限る | kagiru | to restrict, to limit, to confine |
137 | 書く | kaku | to write, to compose, to pen |
138 | 嗅ぐ | kagu | to sniff, to smell |
139 | 覚悟 | kakugo | readiness, preparedness, resolution, resignation |
140 | 拡充 | kakujuu | expansion |
141 | 学習 | gakushuu | study, learning, tutorial |
142 | 拡大 | kakudai | expansion, extension |
143 | 確認 | kakunin | confirmation, verification, validation, review, check, affirmation, identification |
144 | 隠れる | kakureru | to hide, to be hidden, to conceal oneself, to disappear |
145 | 可決 | kaketsu | approval, adoption (of a motion, bill, etc.), passage |
146 | 欠ける | kakeru | to chip, to be chipped, to break (off), to be damaged |
147 | 囲む | kakomu | to surround, to encircle, to enclose, to fence, to wall in |
148 | 重ねる | kasaneru | to pile up, to heap up, to stack up, to put on top of another |
149 | 貸出 | taishutsu | lending, loaning |
150 | かじる | kajiru | to gnaw, to nibble, to bite, to munch, to crunch |