N3 Verb
# | Verb | Romaji | Meaning |
151 | 課税 | kazei | taxation |
152 | 加速 | kasoku | acceleration, speeding up |
153 | 傾く | katamuku | to incline toward, to slant, to lurch, to heel over, to be disposed to, to trend toward, to be prone to |
154 | 語る | kataru | to talk about, to speak of, to tell, to narrate |
155 | 勝つ | katsu | to win, to gain victory |
156 | がっかり | gakkari | to be disappointed, to be dejected, to be downhearted, to be discouraged, to be disheartened, to lose heart, to feel let down |
157 | かっこ | kakko | brackets, parentheses |
158 | 活動 | katsudou | activity (of a person, organization, animal, volcano, etc.), action |
159 | 活躍 | katsuyaku | activity (esp. energetic or successful), great efforts, active participation |
160 | 活用 | katsuyou | practical use, application |
161 | カバー | kabaa | cover, covering, dust jacket |
162 | かぶせる | kabuseru | to cover (with something), to put on (e.g. on someone else's head), to plate something (with a metal), to pour or dash a liquid (on something), to charge (a person with a guilt) |
163 | 噛む | kamu | to bite |
164 | からかう | karakau | to tease, to make fun of, to poke fun at, to make a crack about, to chaff, to kid, to joke, to banter, to pull someone's leg |
165 | 可愛がる | kawaigaru | to be affectionate to, to treat tenderly, to dote on, to show one's love (for), to cherish |
166 | 乾く | kawaku | to get dry |
167 | 変わる | kawaru | to change, to be transformed, to be altered, to vary |
168 | 感覚 | kankaku | sense, sensation, feeling, intuition |
169 | 関係 | kankei | relation, relationship, connection |
170 | 歓迎 | kangei | welcome, reception |
171 | 観光 | kankou | sightseeing, tourism |
172 | 観察 | kansatsu | observation, survey, watching |
173 | 感謝 | kansha | thanks, gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness |
174 | 干渉 | kanshou | interference, intervention, meddling |
175 | 感じる | kanjiru | to feel, to sense, to experience |
176 | 感ずる | kanzuru | to feel, to sense |
177 | 完成 | kansei | completion, perfection, accomplishment |
178 | 観測 | kansoku | observation, survey, measurement |
179 | 感動 | kandou | being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, inspiration, deep emotion, strong impression |
180 | 監督 | kantoku | supervision, control, superintendence, direction |
181 | 管理 | kanri | control, management (e.g. of a business) |
182 | 関連 | kanren | relation, connection, relevance |
183 | 記憶 | kioku | memory, recollection, remembrance, storage |
184 | 聞く | kiku | to hear |
185 | 効く | kiku | to be effective, to take effect, to be good (for) |
186 | 着せる | kiseru | to put clothes on (someone), to dress, to clothe |
187 | 起訴 | kiso | prosecution, indictment |
188 | 期待 | kitai | expectation, anticipation, hope |
189 | きちんと | kichinto | properly, accurately, exactly, precisely, regularly |
190 | 記念 | kinen | commemoration, celebration, remembrance, memory, honoring the memory of |
191 | 機能 | kinou | function, facility, faculty, feature |
192 | 寄付 | kifu | contribution, donation |
193 | 希望 | kibou | hope, wish, aspiration |
194 | キャンプ | kyanpu | camp, camping |
195 | 休業 | kyuugyou | suspension of business, temporary closure (of a store, school, etc.), shutdown, holiday |
196 | 休憩 | kyuukei | rest, break, recess, intermission |
197 | 吸収 | kyuushuu | absorption, suction, attraction |
198 | 救助 | kyuujo | relief, aid, rescue |
199 | 強化 | kyouka | strengthening, intensifying, reinforcement, enhancement, solidification |
200 | 競技 | kyougi | game, match, contest |