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  • Received a complaint from a customer because the price of the item was mislabeled.
  • Ela: error, mistake
  • Norma: quota, target
  • ダメージ: injury, loss, damage
  • Claims: Complaints, Dissatisfaction, Grievances, Claims
  • A little bit of work on typography, such as posting photos underneath the story, makes it easier to read.
  • スケッチ (sketch): drawings, sketches
  • Layout: Layout design
  • Outline: Shape, outline
  • looks: appearance, instrumentation
  • The word, with a slightly more critical tone.
  • Centers: aesthetics, taste, quality, talent
  • キャラクター: personality, traits, character, persona
  • News: Sense of Speech, Subtleties
  • Inspiration: Inspiration
  • In the business department of this company, each member of the community is assigned a tough weekly business target.
  • Career: career
  • Norma: (work) quotas, targets
  • Chifu (chief): chief, supervisor
  • Cost: Cost, production costs.
  • This production management system is difficult to popularize due to high maintenance costs.
  • Use: Noise
  • Rock: Rock
  • Taboo
  • ネック: neck, hard, difficult