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N1・2 / 3 Page
  • He regained his self-esteem.
  • Juso (じそんしん): Self-esteem
  • Image:Impression
  • Control: to control, dominate, rule
  • Style: Style, posture, body type, style
  • Pride: self-esteem, pride
  • Knowledge is reinforced through cycles like preview, class, and review.
  • Pitch: Pitching, Tone
  • Saikel: Cycle
  • Shift: Move, change, transform
  • Bass: Basic, fundamental, (instrument) bass
  • Expanding business overseas comes with risks, but if successful, it can reap huge benefits.
  • AUTO (out): outside, can't catch up
  • error: mistake, fault
  • risk: risk, danger
  • ダウン (down): to fall, to fall down
  • : In the event of a gas leak, the sensor will sense it and sound an alarm.
  • RADAR: Radar, radio detectors
  • Motors: Motors, Engines
  • Center: Sensors, Perceptors
  • Rebar: Leverage
  • Lin has good taste in clothes and often wears beautiful clothes.
  • Sense: Taste, aesthetic ability, sense of beauty, common sense, insight.
  • Taiming: timing, timely
  • Step: Step, stage
  • nuance: sense of speech, tone, nuance, subtlety