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  • We will provide services according to the requirements of our customers.
  • News: Demand
  • Strike: Strike
  • Cells: Sales
  • Economy
  • The chair is also the perfect size and the color and design is just what I wanted.
  • Interior: interior decorations, interior appliances
  • Spaces: Space, blanks
  • リビング (living): living, abbreviation of living room (リビングルーム)
  • ザイン (design): design (pattern)
  • It's been a busy week at work, so I wanted to relax at home over the weekend listening to my favorite music or something.
  • ダウン (down): to fall, to land, to descend, to (knock) down
  • Cancel: to cancel, nullify, abolish
  • Clear: clear, pass
  • Relax: relax, loosen, take it easy, moderate
  • It was a shock because my friends from my student days forgot my name.
  • アウト: out (mostly baseball, now also used to criticize some kind of behavior out of line), outside
  • ダウン: Landing, falling
  • ショック: Strike, stimulate
  • Ela: error, fault
  • Ans: In order to make this program a success, many subjects have to be sorted out.
  • Kinds: Canceled
  • Clarity: clear, crisp
  • Cut: To cut out, to remove
  • Plush: to push, to advance