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N2・2 / 4 Page
  • There is no parking in front of this supermarket.
  • space: space, open space
  • Floor: floor, ground, flooring
  • Stage: stage, podium
  • Front: Helpdesk, Front, Front
  • The bike had a flat tire and the air was out.
  • Strike: Strike, Strike, Strike
  • Puncture (abbreviation of puncture): (tire) discharge, flat tire, puncture
  • ダウン (down): to fall, to land, to fall down, to knock down
  • Miss: Failure, error, mistake.
  • For good health, a nutritionally balanced diet is important.
  • Balance: Equilibrium, Balance
  • Rezum: Rhythm, Rhyme, Metre
  • Vitamins: Vitamins
  • ENERGY: Energy, Energy, Energy
  • When running a marathon, don't try to cater to someone else's pace, just go at your own.
  • テクニック: technic, technique, skill
  • フレッシュ:fresh, fresh, freshness
  • アプローチ: approach, approaching, approaching, studying, exploring
  • MYPACE: mypace, your own rhythm!
  • A policeman was just passing by, so I was saved.
  • Taima: timer, timed
  • ACCIDENT: accident, unexpected event
  • Taiming:timing,timing
  • アクション: action, movement, action