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N2・3 / 4 Page
  • Read a cookbook while preparing the seasoning to your liking.
  • Comment: Commentary, Explanation, Annotation
  • ザイン (design): to design, (to make) patterns
  • Arrange: to prepare, to arrange
  • Caia (care): to take care of, to care for
  • A rehearsal was held at the venue the day before the concert in order to confirm the volume of the instruments.
  • Choice: Charging, refueling, tolls
  • Apointment: Appointment, timed
  • Orientation: Orientation, positioning, orientation, setting a course
  • Rehasal: rehearsal, rehearsal
  • Many people have high prices for airfare during peak travel season.
  • Series: Series, continuous
  • Taim (time): time, moment
  • シーズン (season): season, peak season
  • Chance: Opportunity
  • I would like to place a new advertisement in a magazine to further promote the superiority of our product to consumers.
  • Apiol: to publicize, to preach, to appeal, to accuse
  • Insertion: Installation
  • CHARGE: Charge, charge with your body, charge
  • Center: Setup, Assembly
  • The supervisor applies pressure and says, "You've got the staff and the budget you want, and I'm looking forward to your results.
  • ショップ (shop): store, store
  • Pressure: pressure
  • Damage: Injury, Damage
  • Complex: complex, feeling of inferiority