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N2・4 / 4 Page
  • Everyone was going around the venue promoting their events.
  • Appeal (appeal): to publicize, to call for
  • セット (set): background, set, group
  • INSTALL: Installation
  • Challenge: Challenges
  • I always think of Pamela's Adventure #3 frequently.
  • Episode: A short story.
  • Story: Plot, synopsis of the story
  • Richest (request): Requirements
  • Script: Scripts
  • If you don't change the way you live now, your life may be over.
  • Style: form, shape
  • System: System
  • Set: a group, a set
  • Series: Continuous, series of
  • Newly hired employees undergo a month-long training program.
  • Training: training, exercising
  • Approach: to approach, to explore
  • Technique: skill, technology
  • Series: A series of