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N3・7 / 9 Page
  • That's a good idea.
  • Case (あん): opinion, idea
  • AIDA (idea): idea, idea
  • Chance: Opportunity, good opportunity
  • Service: Reception, hospitality
  • News: News, News
  • Translation : I'd like to give it a try if I have the chance,
  • Opportunity (きかい).
  • Chance: Opportunity
  • Service: service
  • Albiete (arbeit): part-time job
  • Idea: An idea.
  • When I went to the travel agency, I found that there were a lot of brochures for offshore trips placed there.
  • Pamphlet: Booklet, brochure
  • Ananounce: Announcement, broadcasting
  • Comercial: Advertising
  • Sample: Sample
  • Don't throw away those cans and bottle's, if you recycle them, you can reduce the trash.
  • Recycle: To recycle or reuse waste products.
  • Challenge: Challenges
  • Stop: stops
  • Cancel: cancel
  • Energy from the wind and sun can be harnessed to generate electricity.
  • エネルギー: (de energie) energy, energy, energy
  • Service: (service) service
  • Engine
  • ヒント:(hint) hint, imply, inspire