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  • (Hotel brochure)
  • If you are arriving by train, then our staff will pick you up at the nearest Morita Station. Please let us know your expected arrival time the day before.
  • Agaru: A self-effacing expression of "行く来る".
  • See える: honorific expression for ↪Lo_Charu)
  • Kudasaru: Respectful expression of kureる
  • Sasha: A respectful expression of Aげる
  • (mail)
  • First contact. I am Nakajima from the Career Learning Class in Minami City. We are planning to hold a lecture on the theme of lifelong learning next year. Therefore, I would like to invite you to give a lecture, so I am contacting you.
  • 次第です:Used to explain why and how things have developed to this point. It is a more formal wording, often used in honorifics.
  • Leave a message: Your contact was received!
  • Leave a message: Contacted me!
  • Leave a message: Interferences
  • Since I had the teacher come, I planned to let her taste the famous local dishes.
  • 「おいで」 is the honorific of 「来る」. 「おいでいただく」 is equivalent to 「来てもらう」, 「先生に来てもらう」 to let the teacher come, to take the initiative to ask the teacher to come.
  • "からには" means since .......
  • "にしては" means that in terms of ...... In terms of ......, it's sort of .......
  • So I would be honored if we could continue the discussion on the above matters. I would be grateful for your kind attention.
  • 쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗쑗
  • Azukarimasu: to be obliged, to suffer.
  • うけたまわります (承ります→承る): Self-effacing phrase for "聞く", "受ける", and "承諾(しょうだく)する".
  • Shopkeeper: Speaking of that part-timer Ota, he talks too much at work and makes things difficult for me. Tell me about him, store manager.
  • Store Manager: Got it, I'll remind him later.
  • お聞きになるでしょうか:"O聞きになる" is the honorific of "聞く".
  • 申し上げてもよろしいですか:"Shinし上げる(もうしあげる)" is a self-effacing expression of "言う".
  • おっしゃって下さいませんか:"Oっしゃる" is the honorific of "言う". The subject of the sentence here is the store manager, so use honorifics.