- そっせん0
- Take the lead. Take the lead.Intransitive Noun
- 率先して規則を守る
Taking the lead in regulatory compliance
- 企業は率先して事にあたる働き手を歓迎する。
Companies welcome workers who take initiative.
- 彼は率先して公害と戦った。
He took the lead in fighting pollution.
- 彼はかなり仕事が出来るが率先力にかける。
He is quite good at his job, but lacks initiative.
- まずは自ら見本を示す。そういった率先垂範の気持ちがなければ誰も君には付いてこないよ。
You have to think of the example you're setting. You'll never be able to lead if you don't set an example worth following.
- 率先して規則を守る
Taking the lead in regulatory compliance
- 企業は率先して事にあたる働き手を歓迎する。
Companies welcome workers who take initiative.
- 彼は率先して公害と戦った。
He took the lead in fighting pollution.
- 彼はかなり仕事が出来るが率先力にかける。
He is quite good at his job, but lacks initiative.
- まずは自ら見本を示す。そういった率先垂範の気持ちがなければ誰も君には付いてこないよ。
You have to think of the example you're setting. You'll never be able to lead if you don't set an example worth following.
- めさき3 0
- Immediate; foreseenNoun
- 目先のきく人
- 目先を変える
start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path
- 目先の利益だけにとらわれてはいけない。
You must not think about your immediate profit only.
- 目先のきく人
- 目先を変える
start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path
- 目先の利益だけにとらわれてはいけない。
You must not think about your immediate profit only.
- ひとあしさき0
- try to be the firstNoun
- つとめさき0
- Place of work, work unitNoun
勤務先 Place of work, work unit
- 彼の勤め先はどこですか。
Who does he work for?
勤務先 Place of work, work unit
- 彼の勤め先はどこですか。
Who does he work for?