- ものたりない0 5
- Not satisfied enough, feel lackingI-Adjective
- 説明が物足りない
Description not in place
- このドラマは単純な勧善懲悪もので、今一つ深みに欠けて物足りない。
This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.
- 説明が物足りない
Description not in place
- このドラマは単純な勧善懲悪もので、今一つ深みに欠けて物足りない。
This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.
「物足りない」Part of speech
- かけあし2
- Run for it!Intransitive Noun
- 春が駆け足でやってくる
Spring is fast approaching.
- 春が駆け足でやってくる
Spring is fast approaching.
「駆け足」Part of speech
- くろうとはだし5
- More than an expert.Noun
- カラオケでの彼の歌、玄人はだしだね。
His karaoke voice would put a professional to shame.
- あの人の歌は玄人はだしです。
His singing outdoes a professional.
- カラオケでの彼の歌、玄人はだしだね。
His karaoke voice would put a professional to shame.
- あの人の歌は玄人はだしです。
His singing outdoes a professional.
「玄人裸足」Part of speech
- てとりあしとり1
- handilyAdverb
「手取り足取り」Part of speech