- よくぶかい4
- greedyI-Adjective
- 人間は欲深い生き物だ
People are greedy.
- 人間は欲深い生き物だ
People are greedy.
- きやすい3 0
- (Not familiar, but familiar) Unconcerned, uninhibited, relaxed.I-Adjective
- けむたい0 3
- Smoke smell; difficult to get alongI-Adjective
- 私にとって彼は煙たい存在だ
He's a hard man for me to get along with.
- あの人は煙たい。
I feel awkward in his presence.
- 煙たくて、困っています。
I can't be around smoke.
- 私にとって彼は煙たい存在だ
He's a hard man for me to get along with.
- あの人は煙たい。
I feel awkward in his presence.
- 煙たくて、困っています。
I can't be around smoke.
- なまぬるい4 0
- Slightly warm; not stringentI-Adjective
- 生温いやり方
Lack of rigor
- 生温いやり方
Lack of rigor
- なまぐさい4
- fishy, stinkyI-Adjective
- 生臭い匂い
fishy odor
- 生臭い匂い
fishy odor
- はださむい4
- Slightly chilling; creepyI-Adjective
- 肌寒い朝
Slightly chilly morning
- ちょっと肌寒かった。
There was a slight chill in the air.
- 肌寒いです。
It's chilly.
- 少し肌寒い。
There's a slight chill in the air.
- 肌寒い朝
Slightly chilly morning
- ちょっと肌寒かった。
There was a slight chill in the air.
- 肌寒いです。
It's chilly.
- 少し肌寒い。
There's a slight chill in the air.
- あくどい3
- Overly colorful; (flavor) overpowering; badI-Adjective
- あくどい
色 vibrant color
- あくどい事をするな。
Don't do wicked things.
- 王女があくどい化粧をしていた。
The princess was wearing too much makeup.
- かなりあくどい事をしてきたそうだな。
I hear you've done some pretty extreme stuff.
- 自分たちの悪事がばれないようにするなんて、なんて悪どい奴等!
Those guys are ruthless, covering up their tracks like that after all their wrongdoing.
- 禁酒法のしかれていた時代に、酒類密輸入の悪どい商売を腕ずくで自分の支配下におくために、てき屋たちは、おたがいに殺しあっていた。
During prohibition days, racketeers used to rub each other out to get control of the rum-running racket.
- あくどい
色 vibrant color
- あくどい事をするな。
Don't do wicked things.
- 王女があくどい化粧をしていた。
The princess was wearing too much makeup.
- かなりあくどい事をしてきたそうだな。
I hear you've done some pretty extreme stuff.
- 自分たちの悪事がばれないようにするなんて、なんて悪どい奴等!
Those guys are ruthless, covering up their tracks like that after all their wrongdoing.
- 禁酒法のしかれていた時代に、酒類密輸入の悪どい商売を腕ずくで自分の支配下におくために、てき屋たちは、おたがいに殺しあっていた。
During prohibition days, racketeers used to rub each other out to get control of the rum-running racket.
- しぶとい3
- Stubborn. Stubborn.I-Adjective
- なかなかしぶといやつだ
What a stubborn guy.
- 彼は結構しぶといね。転んでもただでは起きぬ、いい根性しているよ。
He's a tenacious guy who always manages to come out on top. He's the kind of guy who can turn any situation to his advantage.
- なかなかしぶといやつだ
What a stubborn guy.
- 彼は結構しぶといね。転んでもただでは起きぬ、いい根性しているよ。
He's a tenacious guy who always manages to come out on top. He's the kind of guy who can turn any situation to his advantage.
- しんどい3
- Tired and laboriousI-Adjective
- 年を取ると、階段の上り下りがしんどい
When you're old, it's hard to go up and down the stairs.
- アメリカの尻馬に乗るなというセリフに正面から反論するのが、どれほどしんどいことだったことか。
Just how tiresome was it to argue straight against the phrase "Don't blindly follow America's lead!"
- この仕事、死ぬほどしんどい。
This job is killing me.
- 年を取ると、階段の上り下りがしんどい
When you're old, it's hard to go up and down the stairs.
- アメリカの尻馬に乗るなというセリフに正面から反論するのが、どれほどしんどいことだったことか。
Just how tiresome was it to argue straight against the phrase "Don't blindly follow America's lead!"
- この仕事、死ぬほどしんどい。
This job is killing me.
- ぞんざい3
- Hasty, rudeNA-Adjective
- 人をぞんざいに扱う
treat people rudely
- その警官は私に対してかなりぞんざいだった。
The policeman was rather abrupt with me.
- 彼は引き出しに物をぞんざいに押し込んだ。
He put his things carelessly in the drawer.
- 人をぞんざいに扱う
treat people rudely
- その警官は私に対してかなりぞんざいだった。
The policeman was rather abrupt with me.
- 彼は引き出しに物をぞんざいに押し込んだ。
He put his things carelessly in the drawer.