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N3・3 / 4 Page
  • Nakamura: Chief, the chocolates you gave me yesterday were very good, thank you.
  • Section Chief: Ah! That's good.
  • いただいた→いただく:''rao's self-effacing expression for getting.
  • おりました → おる: a polite way of saying いる.
  • まいりました → まいる: a self-effacing phrase for traveling or coming.
  • なさった→なさる:する的尊敬語。
  • (in the cafeteria)
  • Guest: I'd like a lunch set, please.
  • Clerk, package A or package B, which one do you want?
  • Guest: Package A, please.
  • なさいます: the honorific of する.
  • どちらになさいますか:Commonly used expression in the service industry to show respect and sensitivity to guests. It means which one do you want?
  • 差し上げます:あげる的自谦语。 It means to present, to honor, to give to you.
  • ございます: A polite expression for ある.
  • (in the cafeteria)
  • Clerk: Welcome. Are there two of you?
  • Guest: Yes.
  • Clerk: Please go this way. I'll take you there.
  • ~に案内する : To lead to somewhere.
  • Itasu: A self-effacing word for する.
  • Nasaru: The honorific for する. A shopkeeper needs to use self-effacing language when describing his or her behavior.
  • うかがいます: うかがう is a self-effacing word for "聞く・尋ねる".
  • いらっしゃいます: A term of respect for いる, 行く, and 来る.
  • The president always comes back from business trips with gifts for us part-time employees.
  • Kudasamasu: Kudasaru is the honorific with える-くれる, meaning to send, to give (to me).
  • Used when the other person is a person of higher status than oneself or an elder, the subject is the other person.
  • いただきます:Self-humble word for もらう. It means to worship and lead, to be blessed by ...... given, the subject is oneself.
  • 差し上げます:与える-やる的自谦语。 Meaning to give away, gifted to the subject as oneself.
  • 召し上がります:Respectively of 食う-飲む. Means to dine, to take a meal, to drink.
  • Teacher HOA Did your parents say anything when you said you wanted to study abroad?
  • HOA they said to cheer me on and support me.
  • Oっしゃる: A honorific expression for "言う"("言う").
  • うかがう: Self-effacing expressions for "聞く" and "尋ねる".
  • もうし上げる (もうしあげる): a self-effacing expression of "言う" (言う).
  • お聞きになる:"聞く"'s honorific expression