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N4・8 / 19 Page
  • We would be grateful for your assistance in the future.
  • お/ご+动词连用形/三类动词词干+申し上げる:It is more respectful than 「お/ごする」 「お/ごいたす」, and has a limited range of use. It is a regular expression of self-effacing language, and is usually used in formal situations. Verbs that are often used in this form include "詫びる", "願う", "喜ぶ", "知らせる", "祈る", "説明する", "報告する", "案内する", and so on.
  • Can you tell me if you know anything about this?
  • ご存知だ:"知っている", a honorific expression of "知っている".
  • President Suzuki will be right over. Please wait a moment.
  • お/ご+动词连用形/三类动词词干+ください:It is a honorific expression of "てください", please .......
  • To the opening, I sincerely wish your company a prosperous future.
  • Your: honorific connecting word for your ...... Your ...... Your company" means your company
  • Cons: A self-effacing word. "It is used to show respect when talking to customers.
  • "Dangsha" refers to our company, and it is mostly used within the company, and the level of politeness is not as high as that of "cons".
  • Gosha: A honorific connective that expresses politeness. The difference between "Gosha" and "Kousha" is that "Gosha" is mostly used in spoken language while "Kousha" is mostly used in written language.
  • I'm Yamada, today's host. Please take care of me.
  • Tsutomu (つとめる): to take up, to hold an office
  • Yaru: do ...... やる: to do, more colloquial than する
  • Satsumasu: Let me do it!
  • Saseてもらう: to ask permission to do something from your elders, etc.