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N4・9 / 19 Page
  • (ON PHONE)
  • I'm looking for Minister Sato.
  • I'm sorry, he's not in right now.
  • ております: A self-effacing expression of "ています", indicating a respectful expression of continuity in the state of oneself or one's own party.
  • ございます: A solemn expression of "あります".
  • いらっしゃいます:"Iる", "来る", and "行く "are honorific expressions.
  • Mairimasu: A self-effacing expression for "行く" and "来る".
  • I'm asking a little too much, but if I could hear back by tomorrow then I'd appreciate it.
  • Sujiru: It is a self-effacing expression of "思う", and together with "ありがたい", it forms "ありがたく存じる", which expresses the feeling of being worthy of celebration and feeling immense gratitude.
  • 幸せでございます:很幸福
  • I'm sorry that I'm not able to save the money.
  • ありがとうございます:Thank you!
  • Received treats from a client.
  • Itadaku: It is a self-effacing expression of "もらう" to indicate that you have received items from your elders or superiors.
  • The principal teacher sat down in her chair.
  • お + verb ます form (drop ます) + になる: an expression form of honorifics that indicates the action behavior of the other person.
  • Had bread for breakfast.
  • Tingyin: A polite expression distinguished from the simplified "だ", commonly found in "です", "ます", and "ございます".