- I've got a good drink in this president's house.
- いただきました→いただく:"もらう」"食べる」"飲む"'s self-effacing expression, here it means that I drank at the president's house, and I have to use self-effacing in my behavior.
- Serving Imashita→Serving U: Self-effacing expressions such as "聞く", "尋ねる", and "問う".
- To Shimashita → To Su (Itasu): A self-effacing expression of "する".
- Shouji Shangarimashita → Shouji Shangaru (めしあがる):"Eatべる""Drinkむ"'s honorific expression
- This afternoon, Mr. Sato from Aoyama is expected.
- Oっしゃる: A honorific expression for "言う"("言う").
- Maiる: A self-effacing expression for "行く" and "来る".
- おられる→「おる」:Self-modest expression of 「いる
- いらっしゃる: A honorific expression for "来る", which is used here to show respect for the other person.
- Don't mention it. Please eat the fruit.
- Itadakimasu → Itadaku: A self-effacing expression for "もらう」, "食べる」, and "飲む".
- あげます→差げます→差げる:"あげる"'s self-effacing expression
- 召し上がってください→召し上がる:"食べる""飲む"'is a honorific expression, and here it shows respect for the guest.
- なさってください→なさる:the honorific expression of 「する」.
- I plan to go to Tokyo next month.
- Nasaru: A honorific expression for "する".
- Maiる: A self-effacing expression of "行く" and "来る", in this case it refers to my behavior, so I have to use a self-effacing expression.
- Agaru: A honorific expression for "食べる" and "飲む".
- いらっしゃる: A honorific expression for "いる", "行く" and "来る".
- Hello, my name is Suzuki. I have an appointment to meet Minister Yamada at some point.
- うけたまわる: A self-effacing expression for "受ける", "聞く" and "訪ねる".
- 拝見する:A self-effacing expression of "見る".
- お見えになる:the honorific expression of "来る".
- お目にかかる: A self-effacing expression of "会う", here it refers to my behavior, I ordered to meet with Minister Yamada, so I have to use self-effacing.